RailTrail.Co.nz Adventures

Rail Trail Logo Kit 02

Your official ticket to the Otago Central Rail Trail - we have been up and down these trails for 20 years

RailTrail.Co.nz Adventures

Your Official Rail Trail Experience

Our Rail Trail depots are in Clyde and Middlemarch and offers a range of official packages to suit all riders and all types of visitors to the region.

Get in touch with the Rail Trail team to book your adventure!

Our dedicated team lives and breathes the Rail Trail. We've rounded up some of the most knowledgeable locals to help us create the best itineraries and holidays for our riders. 

Ever since the Rail Trail was first opened over 20 years ago, we've also been working hard to build custom bikes that make this adventure as accessible to as many people as possible. 

We're proud to be able to showcase Central Otago and this slice of the world and hope to see you down here soon!


  • Spring Open
  • Summer Open
  • Autumn Open
  • Winter Closed


  • 20 Swansea Street, Middlemarch, 9596, Otago


  • NZCT new